The untitled Terminator film, colloquially referred to as Terminator 6 has wrapped filmmaking and is based on a screenplay written by David S. Goyer. The “Terminator” franchise has been DOA for many fans ever since 2003’s “The Rise of the Machines.” However, it was the last two films of the series, “Terminator: Salvation” and “Terminator: Genisys,” that destroyed the series for good. Or so we thought. The only way we could possibly hop back onboard was if James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton would make their return. Well, that is exactly what’s happening for Terminator 6.  Cameron has called it the “continuation of the story from ‘Terminator 1’ and ‘Terminator 2,’ Cameron further elaborated “And we’re pretending the other films were a bad dream. Or an alternate timeline, which is permissible in our multi-verse.” The major surprise in all of this? Cameron luring back Hamilton, the main star of his two directed films in the franchise, and, gulp, his ex-wife. “Jim was fucking terrified,” Miller jokes. “I was,” Cameron confirms. “It took me a week just to get up the nerve. No, that’s not true. Linda and I have a great relationship. We’ve stayed friends through the thick and thin of it all. And she is the mother of my eldest daughter. So I called her up, and I said: ‘Look, we could rest on our laurels. It’s ours to lose, in a sense. We created this thing several decades ago. But, here’s what can be really cool. You can come back and show everybody how it’s done.’ Because in my mind, it hasn’t been done a whole lot since the way she did it back in ’91.” A Source that was at the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus Ohio reported back on what Arnold had to say about this upcoming movie: T6 Film Budget and Arnold Saw a Big Chunk of the Film: “David Ellison was the producer, he’s of course a very young and ambitious guy who raised the money for the movie, which is important. The budget was somewhere between 160 million and 200 million dollars. I couldn’t tell you exactly because the movie isn’t finished yet. It’s still being worked on. Visual effects are being done now. I’ve seen 15 minutes and it looked great and I was very excited about it.” Working with James Cameron and Tim Miller” “It was a very interesting film to do with Tim, the dynamic, between him and with Jim Cameron producing. So Jim Cameron is right now directing Avatar films so he’s taken on this enormous challenge and he’s very busy with that BUT he’s a control freak and as you know, Terminator is kind of his baby so he does get involved in the filming so there were interesting discussions about which direction to go with a certain scene or how the dialogue should finish or what the certain look should be of an individual and all that stuff so there was a big collaboration between Jim and Tim Miller. I feel it was in good hands with both of them.” Contribute Hire me

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