This according to Iger himself in his recently-released book, “The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company.” Iger writes in the novel (via Screen Rant), “When ‘Iron Man 2’ came out, Steve [Jobs] took his son to see it and called me the next day. ‘I took Reed to see ‘Iron Man 2′ last night,’ he said. ‘It sucked.’” I was also not a fan of “Iron Man 2” (it finished 19th out of 20 movies in my MCU rankings). I wrote this about the Jon Favreau-directed film: “Iron Man 2 has an overstuffed script and not enough action scenes to sustain our interest. Is it worth shelling out hard-earned dollars to watch a movie that basically has no idea or direction in its path? Of course not. Director Jon Favreau brought a solid mix of action and humor to the 2008 original that we -as an audience- had the right to expect something special again. Here’s another sequel that fails miserably at that. Mickey Rourke—cue the comeback—and Robert Downey Jr do their best to save a movie that is the equivalent of watching paint dry. They deserved better than this and so did the audience which has not much to cheer about." Hey, at least I consider its successor, Shane Black’s “Iron Man 3,” to be the most underrated movie of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe canon. Contribute Hire me

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