The film, an adaptation of Nella Larsen’s 1929 novel of the same name, follows the unexpected reunion of two African-American high school friends, whose renewed acquaintance ignites a mutual obsession that threatens both of their carefully constructed realities. One “passes” for white in society, the other doesn’t. It’s a ballsy first film, a black and white melodrama that relies more on the hidden truths of its characters than any kind of formal plot. The motives of every character in this film can be questioned. You can read my review of the film here. I liked it very much. “Passing” joins three other major deals that stemmed from Sundance 2021; “Coda” was sold to AppleTV+ for a record-breaking $25 million. Two critically-acclaimed docs were sold for undisclosed amounts – “Summer of Soul” went to HULU and “Flee” settled with NEON. Contribute Hire me

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