The film, written by Eric Roth, an Oscar winner for “Forrest Gump,” is based on a non-fiction book by David Grann. Grann’s book told the story of a murder mystery, set in 1920s Oklahoma, where Osage Indians suddenly began to get murdered, as did those trying to investigate. A corrupt FBI would eventually be tasked to investigate. Scorsese and DiCaprio already have another project in the works, “The Devil in the White City,” but ‘Flower Moon’ seems to be the film that Scorsese will follow-up “The Irishman” with.  As mentioned, the film will be Scorsese and DiCaprio’s sixth collaboration together, after “Gangs of New York,” “The Aviator,” “The Departed,” “Shutter Island,” and “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Meanwhile, “The Irishman” starring Rober De Niro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesci will be released by Netflix later this year, possibly in October. Contribute Hire me

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