Paul Manafort, former political consultant and Trump presidential campaign chairman was given a slap on the wrist sentence of 47 months by judge T.S. Ellis (very close to T.S. Elliot). The N.Y. Times noted that the sentence “was far lighter than the 19- to 24-year prison term recommended under advisory sentencing guidelines.” Judge T. S. Ellis is a 78 year-old Reagan appointee that decided to forgive Manafort and admit that there was no Russian collusion, but rather the actual mundane reality that Manafort cheated on his taxes and had to be sentenced for a few years in jail. The media consequentially went berserk over the ‘light’ sentence, actually angry that a a 69-year-old-man did not get more jail time for cheating on his taxes. For fooks sake. Slate called it “Appalling,” The Washington Post “mind-boggling” MSNBC condemned the failure of the justice system and so on. I don’t have a dog to pick in this fight and Manafort deserves a full sentence of jail time for his fraudulent behavior, but Tony Podesta, founder of the now-shuttered Podesta Group, being offered immunity by Robert Mueller to testify against his former business partner Manafort, despite being implicated for near identical crimes, is DISGUSTING. Just because he’s not connected to Trump, he is going to escape scot-free and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort will rot in jail. Only one of them made the mistake of chairing Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Now, I ask you, Is this a fair and balanced justice system? Contribute Hire me

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