No more Male and Female acting awards will be giving, instead we’re getting two Best Lead Performance trophies and two awards for Best Supporting Performance. As I stated a few weeks back, what the Spirits and Gothams did is only the beginning. This will eventually end with the Oscars going gender neutral, you can take it to the bank. LAFCA are basically virtual-signaling how boldly resistant they are to the patriarchal norms. The Oscars cannot afford to do this, their ratings are already tanking and by going gender neutral they will further isolate whatever, albeit small, audience they currently have. Tradition is tradition, you don’t fuck with it, the same way Cannes and Venice will probably never do it. If I had to bet, the BAFTAS are next, for sure the Golden globes as they are already on thin ice with the social media hounds and they need to virtue signal their way out of the socialist prison they dug themselves in. Again, sooner or later, this kind of gender ideology will infect the Oscars. It’s not a matter of if, but when. The media will happily be the relentless pursuers of this issue until it gets adopted. That’s the sad truth. And, know what? It won’t matter because by then the Oscars will be in single-digit ratings, 95% of the population won’t care about the winners nor the politicized films they nominate. That is where we’re headed my friends. In the near future, we’ll have to rely even more on non-American movies to get our endorphin-rushed bout of cinematic nirvana. We’re already kinda there already. American culture has been toxified by ill-meaning purists, and that tends to result into bland art. I wrote 08.23.22: “And just like that, the Spirit awards have opened the door for predictable outrage if a male actor were to win and a female actress wins nothing — did they not think about this before announcing today’s changes?” “It’s actually been argued that this would hurt women as most meaty acting roles are for men, so they would have a better chance of winning every time. Although, in the age of virtue signaling, this could also mean that rewarding a woman with the award could be perceived as unearned and deliberately done due to her gender. It’s a lose-lose situation for all, they just don’t know it yet.” Contribute Hire me

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