First, Cameron touted his pregnant female warriors in “The Way of Water,” saying they trumped the Marvel Cinematic Universe when it came to female empowerment. Then, he blasted male testosterone, calling it a “toxin” that should to be purged from the body. Oh, and he also confessed that he forced his entire ‘Way of Water’ cast to go vegan during production of the film. I believe Cameron’s problem, obviously, is residual testosterone. Clearly, he needs castration to eliminate all the Wrongthink left in his system … Now Cameron is telling Esquire that “Avatar: The Way of Water” would have run 10 minutes longer had he not cut out scenes that disturbed him due to gun violence. The filmmaker says he cut those scenes because he’s sick of fetishizing guns in his action scenes given the rampant gun violence in the U.S. “I actually cut about 10 minutes of the movie targeting gunplay action,” Cameron said. “I wanted to get rid of some of the ugliness, to find a balance between light and dark. You have to have conflict, of course. Violence and action are the same thing, depending on how you look at it. This is the dilemma of every action filmmaker, and I’m known as an action filmmaker.” Cameron said earlier in the interview, “I look back on some films that I’ve made, and I don’t know if I would want to make that film now. I don’t know if I would want to fetishize the gun, like I did on a couple of ‘Terminator’ movies 30-plus years ago, in our current world. What’s happening with guns in our society turns my stomach.” It’s too late Jimmy Boy, you already normalized gun-led action with ultra violent, and glorious, films such as “The Terminator,” “Aliens,” “T2,” and “True Lies.” Regardless, I don’t think Cameron won any brownie points on social media either since ‘The Way of Water’ had a film critic suggesting, just last week, that the film amounted to little more than a White Savior film riddled with cultural appropriation. Hilariously, Elon Musk’s tech crew added a warning below the tweet, saying “the fictional characters pictured are an alien race called the Na’vi […] none of whom are white.” Contribute Hire me

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