The first “Avatar” is the highest-grossing picture of all time worldwide, and one would think that the sequel would also make a lot of money come this December. However, you’d be a fool to think it’ll match the original film’s intake. Fact of the matter is that “Avatar” was released 13 years ago and the cinematic landscape has dramatically changed since then; people’s tastes are different and the pandemic has shape-shifted the whole industry. However, one has to be excited about the technology Cameron is working on here. “Avatar” did boost the 3D market for a period of time, until it lost all steam, no doubt due to an incalculable amount of films that tried to take advantage of the fad by upgrading their non-3D movies into 3D movies. You mostly just had a handful of films that honored Cameron’s original vision of 3D art, those included “Gravity,” “Hugo,” “The Walk,” and “The Life of Pi.” If “Avatar” gets people excited again about the medium then it’ll probably be a success. Contribute Hire me

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