I still believe there is secret Lynch project going on. I’m also still trying to decipher how the rumor of a new Lynch movie premiering at Cannes materialized into a full-blown media onslaught. The whole drama behind it felt rather surreal or, dare I say it, Lynchian in nature. It all started with the very reliable Kaleem Aftab cryptically tweeting three days ago: Fine, this kicked off an onslaught of guessing games, most of which came back to Lynch possibly having a new secret film ready for Cannes. I then emailed a Lynch contact who responded in a cryptically Lynchian fashion to my email: “Do YOU believe there is a new David Lynch movie?” A confirmation was needed. Aftab had hinted to me that it was Lynch on Twitter, and I was almost hopeful that he was indeed talking about Lynch in his tweet.
The following day, Variety published an EXCLUSIVE that there was going to be a new David Lynch movie at Cannes according to “two well-informed sources” (I wasn’t one of them and neither was Aftab): This kicked the Lynch rumors up a notch further and then film Twitter went into a frenzy. Aftab then retweeted the Variety article, acknowledging that he was indeed talking about Lynch: After the Variety piece ran, absolutely everyone hopped on-board and was convinced that a new David Lynch was indeed going to the Cannes Film Festival. I then spoke to a source who told me that not only was it coming, but that he knew someone who watched and loved the film. Then the reputable French newspaper Le Figaro wrote a piece about how the new Lynch was going to be the opening night film at Cannes. Things were stirring up, excitement was building.
As coincidences go, around the time that Variety and Le Figaro published their Lynch at Cannes confirmation, Lynch was doing the media rounds for the restoration of his 2006 film, “Inland Empire.” He flat-out denied the rumors. “I have no film at Cannes,” he bluntly said. Then he denied it again, and again, and again. Of course, Lynch has purposefully lied and deflected in the past. When rumors were swirling that “Twin Peaks: The Return” had been shot, Lynch flat out denied anything new was coming. He kept denying it until the TV series was finally announced a few months later. So, there was hope. Then Cannes announced its lineup this morning and there was no new David Lynch film to be found. Either Aftab’s source was lying to him or they know something that we just don’t know yet about a new Lynch project premiering at Cannes. Despite the denials, rumors and innuendos, we still have no idea if a new David Lynch film actually exists. However, the fact that Variety, Aftab and myself all had separate sources telling us a Lynch film was coming, that sure as hell is a good sign of legitimacy. I bet Lynch is loving every minute of this. Contribute Hire me

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