Weinstein is 68 years old and currently in isolation at Wende Correctional Facility in western New York, state prison officials [Source] He was sentenced to 23 years in prison last month. Weinstein is one of two inmates in the maximum-security prison who tested positive for the Coronavirus Weinstein has been hospitalized a number of times since he was convicted in March. Immediately after the guilty verdict, he was transported to New York’s Bellevue Hospital instead of jail after experiencing high blood pressure and heart palpitations. A few days later he had a stent placed for a blockage. A few days after that, Weinstein was again brought to the hospital with chest pain complaints. He was imprisoned at Rikers, where 21 inmates had tested positive for COVID-19, before being transferred to the intake center at Wende on Wednesday where he is set to remain for the next 8 weeks due to the “security, medical, mental health” that facility has at their disposal to help patients. Contribute Hire me

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