With all that being said, and me having gone completely off-script in this post, Google has decided that the anti-abortion box-office hit “Unplanned” is not just a drama but “propaganda” as well, which has irked many on the right. Who knew that ‘propaganda’ was a movie genre? It’s rather odd that this film is deemed ‘propaganda’ but other Christian-centric films such as the “God Is Not Dead” series and documentaries made by conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza are not by Google. A Google spokesperson explained to Fox News that its “Knowledge Graph” analyzed web content on “Unplanned” and that a large volume of it described the film as propaganda and placed the label without a universal consensus. “When we’re made aware of disputed facts in our Knowledge Graph, we work to fix the issues, as we’ve done in this case,” the spokesperson told Fox News. Google has updated the search results so that “propaganda” no longer appears as the genre. The film, based on the true story of Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director-turned-pro-life advocate, has opened up eyes in Hollywood the last few weeks. Made on a scant $6 Million dollars the film made an additional $1.8M this weekend at the box-office to further its impressive domestic intake to $15.8M. Contribute Hire me

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