When it comes to writing, there’s a vast difference between digital and print content. If you’re an essay writer who has been writing mostly print content, adjusting to digital writing may be a little tricky for you. That’s why we’ve outlined the best tips that would help you become a pro at digital content writing. Ready? Let’s get down to brass tacks.

What is Digital Writing?

If you’re a newbie to the writing desk, there’s a huge chance you’re asking yourself: “what is digital writing?”  We’d answer that for you. Digital writing is all about writing content for the web. Remember your favourite blogs and blog posts? Well, these are classical examples of digital writing. If you’re an essay writer who’s looking to dabble into this new world of writing, you’d definitely find these tips helpful:

Write for Your Audience

Writing is a selfless job. Sure, this probably sounds like a line from an employer who’s about to rip you off. However, it’s true. When it comes to writing anything at all, your audience should be your primary focus. What would they be interested in? Would your content make them giddy or bored? To fully understand your audience, you have to form a mental picture and get into the heads of your audience. For instance, let’s assume you’re writing for an audience made up of teenagers. You could paint a mental picture of what the typical teenager looks like. Would they be interested in long-form content? Do they prefer formal language or would they feel more comfortable with slang? We’d leave you to figure that out yourself.

Keep it simple and short

Reading a huge novel is one thing. Reading a 10,000 word article on the other hand? A totally different thing. When it comes to writing digital content, simplicity is key. Studies have shown that readers are more likely to get bored when they have to read large chunks of text on a screen than on paper. Even if they don’t get bored, their thumbs will definitely get tired of scrolling. To avoid this, it’s important to divide your text into smaller chunks with subheadings. You could also break down sentences into 25 words or less per sentence. This way, it’d be easier for your readers to flow with your writing style.

Legibility is important

Have you ever felt the urge to grab a pair of glasses when reading an article, even when you’re not short-sighted? Well, it happens to the best of us. Sometimes, you could come across an article that’s so illegible, it makes you want to gouge your eyes out. Studies have shown that reading off a screen is 25%  slower than reading from an actual book. With this in mind, it’s important to make the reading process easier for everyone involved. Avoid using italics excessively and ensure that your content is as legible as possible.


Any reader can easily walk into a book shop in search of a book or magazine. Finding digital content, on the other hand, is a little bit different. When it comes to digital writing, your audience doesn’t go in search of your content specifically. Instead, your content goes to the audience. If you’re writing for the web, you have to ensure that your content can easily be found when your readers are searching for relatable content. But how do you do that? The answer is simple: search engine optimization. What words would people type into a search engine to find you? Figure that out and use those words in your content. If you aren’t sure how to find the popular keywords, handy tools like Google Trends would be the perfect pro writing aid. However, try not to overdo it. No one wants to read the same phrase over and over again.

Let your content reflect your personality

Every brand has a personality. Maybe you’ve chosen a quirky, informal tone for your brand. Or maybe your brand personality is formal and professional. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to let your personality shine through. Don’t be confined by the rules of grammar punctuation. Sounding professional is important but you know what else is important? Your personality and identity.

Final Thoughts

Digital writing is a little more complicated than print writing. Here, you’re not just writing to obey grammatical rules. You’re also trying to make your content visible and attention-worthy at the same time. Fortunately, these tips would help you become a better digital writer and content creator. So, whip out your computer and get down to it. Good luck! Contribute Hire me

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