The mixed reviews that Solo garnered confirmed for many the doubt that was already very much at the forefront of this film’s pre-release buzz. This all resulted in a $392 million worldwide box-office intake, a very average result in terms of “Star Wars.” Speaking to THR, Disney’s film chief Alan Horn expressed frustration over the reception “Solo” got: “It’s always a challenge because — and I say this with love and respect for media — the thing about these big movies is they get a lot of attention, whether positive or negative. So when they don’t work, like Solo, the media says it’s a failure. I think it was a pretty good movie. It didn’t resonate as much as we’d hoped it would, but the press writes it up in a more negative way than I would. These are very high-profile movies. If Aladdin, which I happen to think is a terrific film, doesn’t work somehow, that’s big news and much bigger news than if a movie somewhere else, like The Kid Who Would Be King [at Fox,] doesn’t work.” Contribute Hire me

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