“I met him, one time. We were filming on ‘Batman’ in Trump Tower and he said, ‘Come on up to the office,’” Bale told Variety, “I think he thought I was Bruce Wayne because I was dressed as Bruce Wayne. So he talked to me like I was Bruce Wayne and I just went along with it, really. It was quite entertaining. I had no idea at the time that he would think about running for president.” Earlier in the year Bale had mentioned more details about the meeting on the Happy Sad Confused podcast: “There’s quite a funny photograph that’s online. It was whilst we were filming, I believe it was The Dark Knight Rises, we used Trump Tower and we changed the lettering on the outside, it said ‘Wayne Tower, Mr. Trump arrived and, I’ll never forget the way he said it. He said to me, ‘You probably want a photograph with me so let’s get that done.’ And I turned and there was a photographer ready and I was decked out in full Bruce Wayne, you know, slicked back hair, red tie, a little bit of a Don [Trump] Jr. look, and we took the picture.” Of course, Trump knew it was Christian Bale, and not Bruce Wayne, because he tweeted about the meeting afterwards. I presume Bale was confused because, Trump being Trump, the future President probably wanted to play around with the actor and pretend he was speaking to Bruce Wayne, which must have confused the hell out of Bale. Contribute Hire me

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