The Viking tale, directed by Robert Eggers, which is almost 2 and a half hours long and cost close to $90 million, took in just $5 million total for Thursday and Friday combined. Projections are that it will make around $10 million overall this Sunday. Some are predicting that it won’t make more than $30 million worldwide by the end of its theatrical run in a month or two. I guess it’s time for Eggers to go back to making smaller-scaled indies rather than these sprawling big studio productions, especially if it means sacrificing your own voice for the bottom line. Don’t get me wrong, I rather liked “The Northman,” and most critics did as well, however, “You can tell Eggers wanted a more elevated, visually-driven movie but the rumored reshoots seemed to have made it more ‘entertaining’ rather than artful. Hopefully a director’s cut shows up someday, more of a pure Eggers version.” [written on 04.11.22] Now that many of you have seen the film, what did you think ? Contribute Hire me

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