However, for all of the film’s chaotic nature and astonishingly numbered supporting roles, it is heralded by three towering and important performances from Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, and Al Pacino. In fact, all three roles couldn’t be more different; De Niro is the quiet assassin, Pesci the somber mob boss and Pacino the boisterous Union Teamster head. All three may very well get nominated come Oscar time. “I believe Pacino (Supporting Actor), De Niro (Actor), Scorsese (Director) and Zaillian (Adapted Screenplay) are all shoo-ins for a nomination. As for Pesci, his gentle performance, as beautifully rendered as it was, may be a little too subtle for the Academy’s tastes, but he could very well get in regardless because, as we all know, Oscar absolutely loves a comeback story” My Oscar predictions have been updated with six ‘Irishman’ additions in the categories of Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Adapted Screenplay Contribute Hire me

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