“She Said,” the movie about the NYT investigation into Weinstein’s sex scandals, made $150,000 last night in previews. The film is opening in 2000+ theaters. Yikes. That figure sets up a predicted $2-2.5 million opening weekend. The film was made on a $32 million budget. Just to put things in perspective, “Spotlight” cost $20 million. Fact of the matter is that, outside of a small group of media people, there is no audience for this type of movie right now. I gave it a positive review last night, it’s a well-made yarn in the old-school tradition of “All the President’s Men” and “Spotlight,” but it leaves out a lot of crucial details. Critics seem to like “She Said,” it has an 87% on Rotten Tomatoes and 73 on Metacritic. It would have probably been better suited as a Netflix streaming release rather than a full-scaled theatrical run. Contribute Hire me

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