On Friday, Cannon dug up old, anti-gay tweets by Chelsea Handler, Amy Schumer and Sarah Silverman. In these tweets the three comedians use the homophobic f-word. Cannon commented the double standard he saw by tweeting, “Interesting, I wonder if there was any backlash here”. In the newly resurfaced tweets, Silverman is caught saying, “I dont mean this in a hateful way but the new bachelorette’s a fg,” Schumer writes, “Enjoy ‘Skyfall’ fgs. I’m about to get knee deep in Helen Hunt #TheSessions” and Handler scolds, “This is what a f*g bird looks like when he flexes.” However, Cannon’s past tweets don’t necessarily reveal anti-gay sentiments as much him taking a stand against homophobia in the African-American community. In a tweet unearthed from 2010, Cannon wrote, “Honest question: why are we as Black men so homophobic?” In a 2012 message, Cannon remarked, “If your best joke includes ‘gay’ or ‘F—’ you should be kicked of [sic] Twitter this ain’t the 3d grade!” Try as hard as you can, you’re never gonna find somebody who hasn’t made a risqué remark in the past. Traditionally, pushing the envelope of good taste is something a comedian does anyway. Meanwhile, the Academy Awards are still seeking a squeaky clean funny person who’s never made a “problematic” remark. Good luck to them on that.   Contribute Hire me

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