The movie follows three middle school-aged kids as they prepare for their first-ever “kissing party.” I would expect this to follow the same blueprint as “Superbad” and this year’s “Booksmart,” you know, a plot revolving around antics, all leading to the final destination, which is usually a party. The film stars Jacob Tremblay, Brady Noon, Keith L. Williams, Molly Gordon, Midori Francis, and Will Forte. “Good Boys” premiered at SXSW this past March. The reviews were were more favorable on Rotten Tomatoes (78%) than on Metacritic (52). I’ve been desperately craving for a good comedy in theaters, so this could just be what the doctor ordered. Also, having completely come and gone, I want to send a shout-out to this past April’s Charlize Theron/Seth Rogen-starring “Long Shot,” which is still the funniest movie I have seen all year. Nothing wrong in admitting that, kids. Sometimes a little silliness is all that’s needed to nudge your funny bone. Contribute Hire me

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