“This is how a narrative gets entrenched,” Harris complains. “There are those who are in, and those who are fighting to get in, and the implicit notion of a quota — the idea that there is one spot for ‘diversity’ — becomes a way of not looking at the performances.” I’ve used this analogy before but here goes: a good movie is a good movie is a good movie, or, in this case, replace the word “movie” with “performance.”

Woodard’s performance in “Clemency” is good, but the movie is a snoozer. It finds a way to make the already cliche-ridden capital punishment genre duller than it’s ever been before. I’ll get around to a review, which I’ve been dreading writing because there is nothing worth citing in this film. I panned “Harriet” at TIFF, but the film has gotten mixed reviews and Erivo’s performance, although very good, is not nomination-worthy.I really liked Jordan Peele‘s “Us” up until its final strenuous twist which kind of makes the deck of cards fall. Lupita Nypng’o IS the movie. What a great Doppelganger performance, but Oscar-worthy? Uhh, no.

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